Is your garage the junk drawer of your home?
If your car lives on the driveway or on the street, it might be time to clean out your garage. The great thing is that you CAN do it in a weekend. Check out the article below for some great tips. And if the whole project seems too big for you to handle alone, just let me know. I would love to help you give your car a home again!
Carla Whyte
Embracing Your Space
Garage Storage and Organization Ideas
Spring and summer are here, and if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to put away the sweaters and boots and bring out the tank tops and flip flops! But do you feel stuck at the mere thought of this process? Is your closet tiny and/or bulging at the seams, and you think there is no way your closet can EVER be organized? Take a deep breath and read on! Read More

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Product Recommendation
10 Best Bike Racks For Garage Storage Solutions
Bike racks for garage use are a great way of saving space and getting rid of clutter.Here is a list of the 10 best bike racks for garage storage. Lean More