by Carla Whyte | Nov 2, 2019 | Home Organizing, Uncategorized
Are you ready for the holidays?
The holidays are upon us… Decorating needs to be done… Food needs to be prepared… Guests are coming! But don\’t worry! I will walk you through some helpful tips for an organized, peaceful holiday season!
Carla Whyte
Embracing Your Space

5 Helpful Tips for an Organized Holiday

With the holidays, it seems like there\’s always enough time until there\’s not. I created this handy list to help you plan ahead to make this holiday season a little less stressful.
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Partner Recommendation

Kim Cotton Design
Kim Cotton co-owned a local staging and design company in the early 2000’s. She decided to go on her own to focus on creating joy in the spaces she transforms for her clients. Her goal is to inspire everyone to live in a space they love and call home. Among a variety of design services, Kim offers holiday decorating. So if you would like to have your home decorated by a professional for the holidays, I highly recommend you work with Kim!

Product Recommendations

Christmas Ornament Storage
This storage box makes it simple to safely pack away your precious Christmas ornaments and know you’ll find them in perfect condition next year. This durable red fabric box is designed with three-layers that can store up to 75 ornaments (not included). Cardboard dividers ensure that each ornament stays securely in its place while you’re transporting them to and from storage. Various sized ornaments can be accommodated by moving the adjustable cardboard dividers. The zippered top closure grants easy access, so packing and unpacking your keepsake ornaments is effortless.

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Feeling overwhelmed? I can help!
Just call (408) 858-8552
by Carla Whyte | Jan 12, 2017 | Home Organizing, Uncategorized

Happy Holidays!
Putting up holiday decorations is often a favorite tradition of many families. The taking down of the holiday decorations? Not so much. If your little elves are not so helpful (or even disappear) during this stage of the holiday season, I would be glad to help you restore your home to its pre-holiday state.
Book an appointment with me today and have one less task to cross off your list for starting the new year!
Wishing you all the joys of the season and happiness throughout the coming year,
Carla Whyte
Embracing Your Space

Post Holiday Organization: Clean Out the Old to Make Way for the New
After all the presents have been unwrapped and Christmas brunch has been served, the reality of post-holiday chaos usually starts to settle in. There’s so much stuff! Gifts, decorations, wrapping paper, lights, garlands, and wreaths all have to be packed up and put away. But where to start? Rather than shoving everything in a big plastic bin to be dealt with next year, try some new techniques to make life easier now and later.
Read the Tips!

Holiday Storage Ideas
Make holiday cleanup easier with products specifically designed to hold your ornaments, wreaths, garlands, and more.
Shop Here

Give the Gift of Organization this Holiday Season!
Gift certificates are a great way to help a loved one start the year off on the right track. Available in any denomination, too!
Contact Us to Purchase!

Feeling overwhelmed? I can help!
Just call (408) 858-8552
by Carla Whyte | Nov 23, 2016 | Home Organizing, Uncategorized

I am Thankful for You!
I am so grateful to have you all as my clients, industry partners and friends. Your spirit and energy remind me why I do what I do, and the trust you put in me inspires me. I’ve learned something new from all of you, and I thoroughly enjoy having you in my life.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Carla Whyte 

Christmas Calm: Ten Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season
Sure, you love the holiday season–but just not so much of it! This year, you\’re hoping to cut the crazy out of Christmas: to trim the celebration back to one that is sustainable and calm.
Question is, just how do you do less–and enjoy it more–during the Christmas holiday season?
Read the Tips!
Give the Gift of Organization this Holiday Season!
Gift certificates are a great way to help a loved one start the year off on the right track. Available in any denomination, too!
Email Us To Order Your Gift!

Holiday Donation Drive
Keep it Green While You Clean
Tis the season of giving to those in need. If you need a good reason to get rid of extra \”stuff\” in your home, come join me for the NAPO Holiday Donation Drive! This event benefits the NAPO Scholarship fund, which assists members who need financial help to attend Regional or National Conferences. Your donations are tax deductible and help keep “stuff” out of landfills.
Get Details Here

Feeling overwhelmed? I can help!
Just call (408) 858-8552